

Hi… It’s been a while – I guess I’m doing just fine. 
I’m glad I was able to process the things I want for myself little by little. 

I’ve started taking online courses from UP Open University and it’s a great refresher. I’m doing fine at work (with 2 jobs) while slowly progressing with my paperwork for my future home. 

I can’t wait to start a new life free from everything. Free from the eyes of people watching you, free from not-so-constructive criticisms, free from pressure and chaotic environment, free from the things that keep you from moving and seeing the beauty in the things that you can do. 

In this new journey, I want to be able to do these things for myself. Not for anybody but myself. I recently just realized that maybe the reason why it’s taking me too long to finally understand myself fully, and figure out what I want and who I want to be is that – I continuously try to be better because I want to prove it to the people around me. My parents, family, relatives, and even those who don’t matter in my life. But never did I do things just because it makes me who I am – simply happy. 

Giddy PRoactor
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