
Serene Nineteen

Some would say that in able for you to free from yourself in pain, anger and extreme bitterness that make you lose your way sometimes, You should forgive. 

It’s easier said than done right? How could you be able to forgive and forget something or someone that caused you traumas, heartaches and made you almost lost your sanity. 

Only time and possibilities can tell how and when would you be able to heal from all that. 

It’s my birthday today, and I opted to celebrate my birthday week alone. For the very first time in my life, I had the courage to finally spend some days on my own. 

Honestly, I can’t clearly say if I feel lost because I decided to do something like this but whether I am or not, I did this for my own peace and clarity and would never regret it. 

It helped me to regain a lot of wasted energies. And one thing I’m sure about is I didn’t come here to cry or scream, I came here to appreciate what’s left in me and go back with a better use of it. 

I’m completely attached with the beauty of this serene island. Fresh air, tall tress, calm seas, friendly dogs and other wandering souls. 

I used to say that happiness is a choice and grew up finding peace and freedom and never thought I would finally reach a point in my life where choosing happiness is no longer burdensome and freedom and peace are both untouchable things I have inside me. 

To those people I’ve been with and still with now, I’m truly grateful. It’s never just a convenience for me but a blessing to take this journey of mine with you. Some of you may have caused regrets, learnings rather and some are my forever anchors. 

I may be far from them right now but this day would never be as good as it is if it weren’t for them. 

Giddy PRoactor
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